Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Prejudice is the child of Ignorance.

Hi again,
      Today, I was talking to my English teacher, and he said something, I did not reply on. Not because I did not know what to say, but rather I was ashamed of myself.
      Glenn Hardy (my English teacher) asked me, why Muslims have pride between each other, although they speak the same language. I was ashamed because, Islam, ordered us NOT to be arrogant, or differentiate between people according to their race and color. There is a Hadith (a quote said by the prophet Mohammad PBUH) where he says "No difference between an Arab and a foreigner, a black and a white and a red, the only thing we can differentiate between them is on the base of the strength of their faith) which mankind don't have the authority to do so, because the measure of faith is in the hands of God only.
    I admit that Arabs especially, have this (prejudice problem), which is a good example for the foolishness. Arabs could succeed, if they had the humbleness, but unfortunately we lost the love and unity between each other. 

    Its time to change, Arabs must socialize with people on the basis that they are also human beings, because in no religion its acceptable for inequality on the basis of color or ethnicity, we are all the children of Adam and Eve. Its time to remove racism from the dictionaries.

   Finally, I would love to say that Islam, the religion more than 1 billion are following, says NO and a big NO to racism, and inequality.

    "And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know." (30:22) Holy Quran

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Morals ,, a passport to a better life.

hi everybody,
   I think, when we hear about the work morals, we unconsciously relates it to Japanese workers, for their over dedication to work, and their high rate of workaholics . But no, I am not going to talk about the Japanese people, but about the Indians.
   You would say INDIANS???  i would say, yes, INDIANS. Although there are so much poverty and famine there, but they did not really care, they worked hard, and yes they succeeded, and there is a big chance, India would be one of the 2nd world countries in the 2020. They've created military equipments, cars, helicopters, and didn't stop here, they are still developing rapidly.
   Now this was achieved with help of many factors, one of the most important is, "MORALS AND ETHICS" were its not even taken into consideration into many of the other nations.
   I guarantee that a country, which looses this crucial factor, would fall badly, as its a base for a successful economy.
   I am not really in the mood to write a long article, I will stop here, and say goodnight, and wish everybody would make "Morals and ethics" his slogan in life.
  BYE :)